Sunday, January 30, 2011

Traveling Home, and back Home again.

This update is a bit overdue. I've been throwing myself into everything but this neglected blog, so the time has come to dust it off and give it some attention.

In the last month of 2010, Judd and I ventured back home to Oklahoma to visit our families. It was the one year anniversary of my Mom's and Grandmother's passing, and I couldn't bear the thought of being anywhere else but in my Oklahoma home to get through it.

There were also the birthdays of our niece Leslie and our newest nephew Stran, as well as my brother-in-law Joe, and to top it all off, two of our best friends were getting married. In short, it was a busy week and a half full of laughter, tears, heartache, and healing, and loads of driving. Of course, my camera made the trip with me to experience a healthy dose of documentation. Enjoy. :)

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The trip started with the cats making us feel guilty for leaving.

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We flew out of Seattle dark and early. Flying over Rainier is always a beautiful sight as the sun comes up.

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ahhh, Oklahoma. As much as I joke about my homestate, or poke fun at it, it will always be home. I don't see much of this golden color here in the Evergreen State.

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My beautiful nephew, Liam. I love his face framing. This is how he contains excitement, and it thrills me when he's happy to see me, of course!

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This will never be easy. It's strange to feel so sad and so comforted simultaneously. The need to lay on the ground and cry comes and goes, and then you are happy to have any way to visit at all. I still firmly believe that Time doesn't heal such things, as you never really get over them. Time allows you to adjust to life as you know it, and grow used to that gaping hole in your life. I miss her every day.

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During our stay with Judd's family, I got to somewhat assist with the cows. I mostly kept a tiny dog named Mindy from being stomped by hooves.

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Meet Mindy. :)

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Here's the birthday boy, Stran, with his Uncle Judd.

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Wild child, Leslie, and my sister Jennifer, taming the Santa Fe Cattle Co. bull. :P

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The one and only Joselyn, one of my soul mates. :)

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith. :)

Then...the DRIVE home began. Yes, we flew home to Oklahoma, and drove back home to Washington. I put it that way because it is definitely possible to have more than one home. I realized that home can be anywhere as long as you are happy. I am happy when I'm with my family and friends, and am content with the miles between us because I know that these relationships are strong enough to handle ANYTHING. Meanwhile, I have found happiness and home in Bellingham with Judd and the fur children, Evan and Julian.

There's a great song by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's called "Home", and one line in the song says "Home is whenever I'm with you". I think that best defines my happiness with Judd. Our road trip home, while long and tiring, was a great experience, and of course, I have photos from that too. :)

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My sister used to live in Wyoming, and when I called her from the road, she jokingly asked me if it was still ugly, lol...but I have to say, this is strikingly, almost hauntingly beautiful to me. There's something about endless fields of buffalo and pronghorn antelopes, and rolling hills covered in snow that makes my nomadic soul feel quite comforted.

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Like I's beautiful. To me. :)

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Crossing into Utah was a pretty experience for me. It was getting later in the day, so it looks a bit drab and cold, but I had never been to Utah until this moment, so to me, it was a beautiful, new experience.

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Oregon gave me a scare through the mountain passes. It turned into a winter wonderland up there, and I nearly had a panic attack behind the wheel, (i hadn't driven in nearly two years) but looking at the pictures leaves me in awe.

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Snoqualmie Pass gave us similar treatment, but as a passenger, I could appreciate it a little more. :)

This state surprises me every day with how it makes me feel, behind the lens or simply living in it. It's why it's home. :) And I made it back home in one piece despite the distance and the weather. I made it home to my Dad's grandcats, and did it all driving my mother's car. Having that little extra bit of her here helps me through each day. It helps me continue to be that person that my friends and family, in this state or that, are somehow able to tolerate. :P

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Yes, this troll. :P