Monday, March 29, 2010

For the love of animals...

For as long as I can remember, I have been a huge animal person. To say I love and respect animals is putting it quite simply. They have always been a big part of my life, and my passion for them will never fade. That's just a small reason why I love to do nature and wildlife photography. I'm drawn to the natural world and the raw beauty of it, so for this blog, I'll be sharing some of my wildlife photos. I hope you enjoy them.

Skunks have such sweet little faces.

This guy was beautiful. To see such an animal in it's environment was beyond incredible.

These two were cute together, and the whole scene was just beautiful that day.

This next one is a wider shot, so I hope the full thing displays:

I was completely awe struck by how many there were.

(okay, so it looks like it cut off, so here is the basic link.)

This was my first time to encounter a walrus in person. They have long been one of my favorite animals and I was blown away by how sweet and playful he was. The second shot of him clapping his fins together and swimming backwards just looks joyous to me.

I love foxes all around. Red, Silver, Fennec, Arctic, you name it.

I love how curious this little fawn was. She knew there was absolutely no danger coming from me.

I'll end this blog with one of my whale shots. I got to go out on a boat with other photographers and capture these beauties over the last summer, and I'm still shocked that i saw them out in the wild like this, and on such a clear day!

Hope you enjoyed it. I have more coming!


  1. I'm so jealous of you getting to see all of those animals in the wild.

    Have you ever gotten to touch a skunk? They are super soft, the Little River Zoo in Norman has one that doesn't have it's sprayer anymore and they let you pet it. (It was rescued, it had been a pet)

  2. I have felt skunk furs before, but never on an actual living skunk. I wouldn't mind it. I've heard they can be really sweet and will rub on you for attention like cats do. I got to see one at a zoo once in the same scenario, where it had been a pet and was rescued by the zoo and was basically a show animal. They walked him on a leash and took him around to schools and brought awareness to the humanization of skunks and raccoons and other animals that people like to make pets and shouldn't. They are super sweet, minus the whole sprayer issue. :P

    I have gotten to play with an otter was a long time ago and they basically had him in a deep watering trough of sorts and you could step in in a wetsuit and let him swim around you and such. THAT was cool! :D

  3. Krissy, these photos are beautiful! The only time I've gotten to see elk and such was in Colorado, and most of that was from far away. You look like you got very close to them.

    And how on earth did you get those adorable pictures of the walrus?

    Oh, and I think you need some pictures of oysters now, to go with it... ;-)

  4. Thanks, Laurel! No worries, everything was shot from a safe distance and with an awesome zoom. :)

    The walrus was at the zoo in Port Defiance, Wa but it was during a feeding and he was doing all sorts of things to get treats. He was adorable. Walruses are incredibly smart. :)

    Now you've made me want to watch Alice in Wonderland! lol

  5. I love these photos! The walrus pix were so adorable. I love skunks. Always have. I can't believe that doe got so close to you, Wow!
