Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Little Things

I've been having some ups and downs lately. I work a lot, and I'm away from family and friends and am still missing my mother an incredible amount, as to be expected. It's times like these that you have to take it easy, somewhat give yourself a break, and let the little things round out your day and pull you through.

Being a photographer is a very therapeutic thing. Take you camera with you everywhere as I tend to do and you can document a LOT of little things in your life. Then they are there for you later when you need them, and of course, there's always more things laying around for you to take pictures of. :P

I thought I'd share a few pictures of some of the things that tend to keep me happy and grounded.

Nature. It isn't exactly a little thing when you think about it, but stopping to spend time in it definitely is one of the little therapeutic things you can do to cheer up. :)

Leaves. Do you ever just stop and listen or watch them blow in the wind? It's pretty peaceful. I'd recommend just looking up from time to time as you walk. So many people watch their feet when they walk. Open your eyes and look around. :D

Be silly and laugh at yourself. I tend to thrive on this. :P This photo came from me being bored and using a face mask one night. And obviously, it was a rough hair day...but you know, those happen and you might as well make it fun.

Tap into your inner child. Haha, in this case, I played with my food. It didn't seem to mind! :P

Listen to music. This is a photo of The Gallus Brothers, a local band who just happens to be absolutely incredible. I see them every chance I get. :D

Anyhoo. I needed a pick-me-up. I hope you guys got something out of it. :)


  1. You are such a positive person. I love this post! I will make it a point to look up more often and to see the brighter side of life when the ugly side seems to take over. Pic 1 - I wish I coud see in person. Love the war paint. :) Thanks for sharing, Kristen!

  2. You're very welcome! Thanks for reading and enjoying the pics. :D

  3. Wonderful pic of the river and I love the smiley watermelon! lol
